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Smart Borders 2024 – The Future Evolution of Land, Sea & Air Borders
This is a new report developed and scoped with input from leading stakeholders in order to provide a detailed understanding of the latest trends and future developments aiding the introduction of smart border programmes. The report is designed to provide better understanding of government agencies’ motivations and objectives, and the drivers and barriers facing them in launching their new border security and traveller programmes. Detailed research will be undertaken with border agencies, airlines, cruise operators, vendors with their contributions helping to produce a timeline and forecast will be presented to help organisations identify opportunities and ensure they are informed on where and when these are likely to occur.
Data and relevant assumptions will be provided for:
- Front-end traveller touchpoints
- ABC egates
- Immigration kiosks
- Biometric pod and totems
- Biometric capture and enrolment devices
- Core back-end systems
- Biometric engines
- National databases (centralised and decentralised)
- Entry-exit systems
- Identity management platforms
The total available market, installed base, annual installations, associated services and overall market value will be presented on a regional basis.