John has 20+ years of analyst experience specialising in Payments, Authentication, Identity (P.A.ID) and Security of people, devices and transactions. John recently joined forces with Valour to expand our services across a broader range of industry verticals. John’s expertise helps us to support clients in an increasingly digitised and connected world, often looking at how new technologies and approaches may disrupt and impact ecosystems, processes and relationships.
John is responsible for developing new coverage of airport and border technologies, utilising our shared expertise in aviation, identity and biometrics. Much of his previous research and knowledge has focussed on smart cards, eID and digital identity, NFC, contactless and mobile payments, digital wallets, eSIM-iSIM, access control and transit, and wider security solutions.
Always up for a social get-together, John enjoys the challenge of creating culinary delights from random items he can find at the back of the fridge/cupboard. A keen fundraiser for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (and other) charities, John has organised several events and undertaken various challenges including duathlons, triathlons and cycling to Scotland and Paris. Unfortunately, this has not yet fully reversed the years of neglect and indulgence that he has enjoyed…