IFEC data trackers

Valour Announces Several Key Improvements to its Quarterly IFE and IFC Trackers

As an extension to our IFEC data intelligence services, we are pleased to reveal details of enhancements to our quarterly in-flight entertainment and in-flight connectivity trackers. Background In 2016, to supplement our in-depth annual deep dive into the in-flight connectivity (IFC) market, Valour Consultancy launched a quarterly tracker product designed to keep those with a…

Podcast: How is Covid impacting the payments, identification & security sectors?

In November 2020, TRUSTECH recorded a limited series of podcasts to discuss how the Coronavirus is impacting the payments, identification & security sectors. Across four episodes, John Devlin, founder of P.A.ID Strategies and host of TRUSTECH’s innovation stage, shares his insights and expertise. Episodes Covid-Cast #1: WHY IS COVID-19 THE BIGGEST DISRUPTOR AND ACCELERATOR OF…

Loose Specs Sink Shipmanagers

When writing commercial articles about the maritime market, I found analogies for players in the shipping ecosystem most useful. After undertaking recent new research on satellite operators, service providers, shipping companies, ship owners (most of the time the former, however, not in some cases), ship managers and seafarers. I thought a simplification of their roles…

DeSIRE II project

Satellites Driven by DeSIRE

The European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Defence Agency (EDA) have funded two consecutive projects called DeSIRE, in 2013, and DeSIRE II (Demonstration of Satellites enabling the Insertion of RPAS in Europe), in 2015, to examine how drones might operate within controlled airspace when controlled by satellites for commercial and governmental applications. To undertake…

Unmanned traffic management systems

UTM in the Wilds

“I don’t see how he can ever finish, if he doesn’t begin.” Alice thought to herself that unmanned traffic management should be easy, so she checked several countries that are beginning and this is what she found. In the Asia/Pacific region, there is practical experimentation but a willingness to standardise, Russia is ploughing its own…